Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You never think

That this will happen to you- and it does. You hope, you pray, you dream- but still you never expect it.

My mind is constantly racing with thoughts of you that make my heart flutter. I can picture you having conversations with your coworkers in the morning. You gesture with your hands when you are making a joke, and your left hand ring finger will have your wedding band on it. That ring is the outward symbol of your choice that out of everyone in this world you chose me. You take me with all my damage, my impatience, and every crazy idea that I have. You take me with my joy, my absurd ideas, my silly songs, and my horrible dance moves. In a world that we have both seen be so cruel, I cant fully condemn it because it made you. My constant. The one person that I know no matter how much we bicker- is not looking for an 'out' clause.

I am so grateful.

65 days until we get our wedding License
137 days until our Wedding
138 (or 139 depending on our flight) until our Honeymoon in Moorea and Bora Bora.

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