Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Things can work out for the best. Here I thought I was going to be docked half of my paycheck because I was so sick last week. Low and behold since I was rehired, my days reset and I was not docked of any time and received my full paycheck amount. Score 1 for Jen.

I also received my dress for Joe’s wedding and it’s perfect. I now have my shoes, purse, and dress. Now I just need a hair accessory and I’m done. It will be Dean’s turn next- we have got to get him dress pants and dress shoes. I just feel absolutely elated that everything is working out for this.

Yesterday was a really rough day at work and I found myself completely sapped when I came home last night. Unfortunately, I still had a paper from Dr. Eagle to finish so I did that for 3 hours and then dropped off the original at my Mom’s so she can edit it. At least I’m not working on it for free. It took me about 8 ½ hours of work to finish that paper. It was 87 pages hand written, and 27 in Word, typed.

Tonight I have absolutely nothing on my agenda but to play LOTRO and spend time with Dean. (side note, I still cannot believe it’s been three years)

All for now-


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