Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So much

Many interesting things have happened in the past few weeks. The top four being- 1) Dean and I went to Sea World 2) Adults Only Night at the Long Beach Aquarium with Sam 3) Disneyland with Joe and Jamie and last but not least, 4) Cat-Foot Spirit's CD Release.All of these events had wonderful things happening that I could not possibly touch upon in one blog. The CD is doing well. It's for sale via our myspace now, so we'll see how that goes.

There are so many great things to look forward to in the coming months! Particularly Joe and Jamie's wedding. It makes me so happy that Joe found someone as genuinely nice as he is. Jamie is just as beautiful outside as she is in, and that is exceedingly rare these days. I'm looking forward to getting away for a few days with Dean. I'm finally 'de-stressing' about going. I have the dress aspect taken care of now, but we still need to get him a Tie and dress pants/shoes. We're so lucky to have such great friends. Hell, without Joe and Jamie's generous offer to stay at their brand new house (which they will not even be at)we would not have been able to afford to go. On top of the hotel being expensive, there is the rental car cost, food, etc. I'm not exactly rolling in money (as the saying goes). It means so much to me that they made it clear it was very important to them that we make it to their wedding. I was also asked to be in their wedding if this one gentleman could no longer be in it, but everything worked out and he will be there. While I'm sad I cant share the experience with them by being in the wedding, I am elated that I can at least be there for them. Plus- I dont have to wear a yellow dress anymore (the assigned color). Yellow is just not a good look for me.

And on a slightly different note- It seems like everyone I know is either getting married or is pregnant. I know it's my 'age' and this is when that stuff starts happening, but it still weirds me out.

Tonight Farkas, Dean, and I are going to see 9 and I am very much looking forward to that. Not to mention Beatles Rock band came out today and I will be getting that as soon as I am off work.

That's all I have to write about for the moment. Maybe I'll update later when my thoughts are less fragmented and make more sense.

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